I want to take this time to wish my Mother a very Happy Birthday. It is hard to sum up what Mom means to me in just a few words. My Mom is not only a great Mother she is also my best friend. I love her so much. Whenever I get a little out of hand she is never shy about letting me know what I need to do to get back on track. She deserves a special place up in heaven for putting up with my Dad for 50 some years. Mothers are full of love and sacrifice, she always tried to see that we had eveything that we needed and more, even if it meant taking in laundry from the church ladies to pay for my music lessons. Mom has been there for me through the good and all the bad. I don't deserve to have a Mother like her but I am so glad that God gave her to me. Happy Birthday Mom we all love you!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Mom
I want to take this time to wish my Mother a very Happy Birthday. It is hard to sum up what Mom means to me in just a few words. My Mom is not only a great Mother she is also my best friend. I love her so much. Whenever I get a little out of hand she is never shy about letting me know what I need to do to get back on track. She deserves a special place up in heaven for putting up with my Dad for 50 some years. Mothers are full of love and sacrifice, she always tried to see that we had eveything that we needed and more, even if it meant taking in laundry from the church ladies to pay for my music lessons. Mom has been there for me through the good and all the bad. I don't deserve to have a Mother like her but I am so glad that God gave her to me. Happy Birthday Mom we all love you!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Ellie @ Recital
We were privledged to go and watch Ellie preform at her dance recital. It was in the auditorium out at Southside Elementary School. Her little group done very well to be so small. I was really surprised at how well she done since she is so active in energy, but she adorable. She asked me on the way home if I cried! I will admit that it was touching. We were very proud of her preformance. Makenzie was also able to attend this event with us so it was a very special treat for us to be able to spend some special time with our girls..
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sunday at Bethel Church..
Harold & I were asked to help decorate the church for our Easter service. Harold built the tomb. The drywall was donated by a very dear friend of ours, and Harold was able to find wallpaper that looked like stone and so he went to work and came up with a very nice tomb. I found ivy & wisteria in my stash of craft stuff and Sis. Shockley & I went to work with the very careful advise from Adam. We stayed at the church until midnight friday night and decided to take a break from it until the next day. Saturday morning I decorated around the cross with the tulips that were left. It was beautiful to see and to smell. They had 45 flowers total. 39 in memory of loved ones passed and 5 in honor of others. It really made Calvary seem so real. What love the Savior had for us.
Easter Fun !
Wanted to share a little of our Easter with our blog friends and family. We did have a wonderful day. I can say proudly that all of my children (both) were with me in church this special Sunday. Kyle had to leave early to go to work but was there and I thank him for making that extra effort. John & Katressa, Makenzie & Ellie were there also, and of course Lauren and baby Matthew. We had a beautiful Easter Sunday service. Then we headed up Mom & Dad's to eat lunch. I brought the food and Mom provided the room...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Baby Shower
Katressa was honored with a baby shower last Saturday by a lovely group of young ladies that she works with at the hospital. We had a great time with fun games, great food and baby girl received many nice gifts. I do think that she will be the best dressed girl around. We were so glad that Makenzie was able to go along with us. Thank you to you sweet girls that hosted this shower. We had a great time.
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