I want to take this time to wish my Mother a very Happy Birthday. It is hard to sum up what Mom means to me in just a few words. My Mom is not only a great Mother she is also my best friend. I love her so much. Whenever I get a little out of hand she is never shy about letting me know what I need to do to get back on track. She deserves a special place up in heaven for putting up with my Dad for 50 some years. Mothers are full of love and sacrifice, she always tried to see that we had eveything that we needed and more, even if it meant taking in laundry from the church ladies to pay for my music lessons. Mom has been there for me through the good and all the bad. I don't deserve to have a Mother like her but I am so glad that God gave her to me. Happy Birthday Mom we all love you!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Mom
I want to take this time to wish my Mother a very Happy Birthday. It is hard to sum up what Mom means to me in just a few words. My Mom is not only a great Mother she is also my best friend. I love her so much. Whenever I get a little out of hand she is never shy about letting me know what I need to do to get back on track. She deserves a special place up in heaven for putting up with my Dad for 50 some years. Mothers are full of love and sacrifice, she always tried to see that we had eveything that we needed and more, even if it meant taking in laundry from the church ladies to pay for my music lessons. Mom has been there for me through the good and all the bad. I don't deserve to have a Mother like her but I am so glad that God gave her to me. Happy Birthday Mom we all love you!
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Happy Birthday, Imogene. May you have a happy, healthy year ahead & many more to come. You sure have been blessed with a beautiful family. Lots of love, Vi
I absolutely missed this one! Sorry about that. Anyway, you have a very sweet Mom, Annette. I'm happy to call her my "Aunt"!
Happy Birthday Imogene!
Happy Birthday to your mom! Abigail said she asked her when she was up North if she had a boyfriend and she nearly died! I like your mom too!
Hope your day was special, Imogene!
Happy Belated Birthday Imogene!!!
Hi Annette!
I tagged you. Check out my blog for the details. Don't feel like you have to do the game.
Happy birthday to my very sweet grandma! LOVE her so much!
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